Every day and some even at night we are doing our job - often we don't even ask what we actually do and why. Be silent about asking wether the job resembles our conviction.
How often do you reflect your job and how often do you sort your job into the overall concept of your company? Is your work fun? Or do you even see a deeper sense in it?
Monster in connection with the GfK published a Study regarding this very subject. It shows clearl, in comparison to other countries Germans are unhappy with their jobs. Especially job-starters and Young Professionals aren't too convinced of their jobs. Look at the British - here every 10th ist that happy he would do his job even without the salary. So what is it with us, that we are just so uncontent?
I found a great short film which shows quite meek jobs:
Does a job always have to be fun? Or is it enough the salaray is paid? This is something everyone has to decide for himself. Personally, I find it very important to have a meaning behind my job and to know exactly what I am doing. This means, my job has to complete me and I like my job. And this is exactly why I do pick my employment. In the end, employer, the job and its tasks and I have to match. I want to attribute to the company's success and be aware of my responsibilities as well as how to be successful. A well mix of responsibility, significance and fun is important.
Why I write all these things? Well, in my hitherto professional career I often worked with people who didn't know why they are doing the job they do and why they actually should come to work every morning. If this ever happens to me, not finding the meaning and fun in doing my job, I would (have to) change this situation immediately. Changing the job within the company or finding a new employer. 9-to-5 Jobs aren't my thing. For this I am too much of a dissedent. What matters to you in a job?