Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Think out of the Box - New Concepts for In-House Trainings

Translated from Ralf Junge's Blog Entry:  Neue Konzepte für Weiterbildung im Unternehmen – Out of the box denken

I organized a Workshop about "Guerilla Learning" for the Think Tank-Event of the Initiative für karrierefördernde & faire Trainee-Programme (Intiative for Career supporting and fair Trainee-Programs), which took place on Tuesday in Frankfurt at Deutsche Bahn.

I have heard about the Concept of Guerilla Learning for the first time at this years HR BarCamp in Berlin. Sirka Laudon from Axel Springer represented this Topic there. I was so amazed by it which is why I contacted her to learn more about it and eventually hold a Workshop about it myself.  

Actually, it is really simply - but the Results are fantastic. Learning and Training Practices in Companies could become more exciting when this Concept is applied. Sharing and Spreading Knowledge can become easier and more effectively spread via different and extraordinary Channels rather than the regular andconventional ones known. Learning something is supposed to be Fun! With little Use of Means high Quality Subjects can be connected with Entertainment.  

Yesterday the Workshop Participants and I worked on these four Questions: 
(1) Where and at what Places can Learning take place?
(2) When can Learning start? 
(3) Who does participate?
(4) How and with which Means and Ways can Knowledge being shared and spread successfully?

The Participants were also supposed to think of unusual Things which might not appear significantly relevant in Terms of Learning at all - Things that do not have to do anything with Learning in the first View. Doing this a lot of Points came up. Input of Ideas and more Ideas just kept coming, I hardly could follow up putting them onto Paper.

(1) Places: Canteen, Beach, Elevator, Train, Airplane, Park, Bathroom, Bed
(2) Time: on the Way to Work, Lunch Break, in boring Meetings, while brushing Teeth, or doing Sports 
(3) Targetgroups: young Mothers, Singles, Bookworms, Athletes
(4) Methods/ Formats: Audio, Video, Apps, Trainings, Quiz, Competitions, Pictures

And this Way a lot of innovative Learning Concepts have been created. Great Examples of Ideas are Qui-Yoga, Learning Platforms and interactive Learning-Apps. It proved Guerilla Learning to be quite an exciting Concept for developing new Ways of Learning in Companies.


Editors Hint: You cannot come up with new Ways if you can't even see them. Change the Angle of your Views several times and you will have a brighter Sprectrum of Ways to take/use. And just do not forget: Go for it - think out of the Box!

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