Translated from Ralf Junge's blog entry: "Heute ist Boss-Day - wie feiern Sie?"
"The way you work I would like to have vaycay."
"Flu is the weakness of character."
"You won't like me but I don't give a ****"
"You won't like me but I don't give a ****"
„Our intern wanted to call it a day before I do. We both laughed.“
You might know more of those phrases? These were just a few selected examples of mean Boss statements, which the German site BADASS BOSS for instance collects and publishes. I had to chuckle and laugh a couple of time when reading such statements. But. Actually, it is quite saddening to have a proof of such boss-attitude still existing. An attitude of arrogance and dictatorship. I for myself already got to know specimen like these - especially the first sentence was merely preached at my first job after graduating.
Such behavior by superiors are hardly tolerated without having corresponding consequences. Since there are employer rating platforms and social media channels, frustrated employees are able to counter. And what day would be best than todays Boss Day!?
The Boss Day was declared in 1958 in the USA by Patricia Bays Haroski. She chose the birthday of her father who was, according to her, the examplary boss. Todays this day is seen as occasion to thank the own boss or tell him what the deal is.
Sudies show, the behavior of boss'/superiors to be one of the strongest factor regarding employees motivation, as well as being a base of overall employee satisfaction. However, we hear of bad working atmosphere too often, branded by fear of ones own boss, who loves sitting nose-up-ed on his thrown, losing the connection to his employees. For observers only, such "The office"-boss might be funny. It seems as if some boss's haven't cought the irony of the show just yet and adapted to the main character. Unfortunately, such behavior is cruel reality to too many employees still. So, why not considering todays Boss Day as a reason to make a change.
How do you celebrate the Boss Day? With flowers for your boss or a negative rating on the internet?
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