Friday, January 3, 2014

My personal review to 2013 and preview to 2014...

From Jannis Tsalikis' blog entry: Mein ganz persönlicher Rückblick auf 2013 und Ausblick auf 2014 ...
Hello dearest readers and friends of employer brand's friend and especially the German version as well "Mein Freund die Arbeitgebermarke". I am back on track. After almost four weeks of Social Media hibernation I am finally and officially back online.

Looking back at 2013 this short hibernation was needed. 2013 was a very moving and exciting year for me. Just to sum up a few highlights, there was the HR BarCamp 2013 at the Ahoy, different events where I was allowed to narrate, such as the HR vs. PR in Leipzig or the 8. HR Lounge in Berlin.  In the book "Innovative Talentstrategien" I was honored to contribute an input to "Die Karrierewebsite - die virtuelle Repräsentanz des Arbeitgebers" (the career website - the virtual represence of employers). And the year was crowned with the Golden Mangel Award on December 4th (picture below). Last but not least, I switched employers and went from the PR-Agency of the year (MSLGroup Germany) to the Magazine of the year (VICE Germany).

2014. The year has just begun and new, exciting events are already in the pipeline. The HR BarCamp 2014 is in march! Now at (an even better) location, within the heart of Berlin. On top of that, there are further events I will be attending and narrate a little or hold a workshop, i.e. the Personalmarketingkongress 2014 in Munich or the Zukunft Personal in Cologne. Well, and after the great success of the Golden Mangel Award 2013, there will most likely be one in 2014.

It is going to be again quite a year of interesting, exciting, controversial and teaching moments. That things (will) happen as they did I owe especially to my friends and contributors! Thank you, Christoph! Thank you, Ralf! Thank you, Henner! Thank you, Stefan Peukert! Thank you, Jo! Thank you, Nina! Thank you, Robindro! Thank you, Jörn! Thank you, Frau Ewers! Thank you, Herr Böttger! Thanks ti the guys from Wollmilchsau! Thank you, softgarden (especially Sibylle)! Thanks to the BPM (especiall Nina)! Thank you, WuV! Thanks to MSL Germany! Thanks to VICE Deutschland! And thanks be to many more colleagues and friends I cannot name right now. Cheers to 2013 and 2014 to be great!


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