Friday, December 20, 2013

Mobile Recruiting-Apps for Smartphones not so smart?

As I found myself with a great lack of time for the regular check-up on the job market I also found myself at lost for the proper "findings". Even, or maybe especially, LinkedIn and XING are hardly any help. Other Portals turned into app is seldom setting my HR-heart on fire.

Ralf blogged last week on how mobile recruiting-apps are of hardly any relevance according to a recent published study by trendMonitor. It stated that 81% of the persons asked are prefering other methods besides mobile recruiting. 

I took a look on the other side of the world for better answers to my question. What is about it anyways. 


And one gets it. To follow current job-offers via smartphone on platforms like InstaJob is awesome. To apply with it directly? Meh, not so. 

As HR I rather have applicants who pay attention and effort in their cover-letter/ -mail and résumé rather than having not-well-structured profiles thrown at me via wordless mail. And as HR I also advice my applicants to put some more work in it when they mean to work for a company for real. 

It leaves recruiting apps to only get the message and employer brand out there. Sometimes it is the only thing that's needed. 

By the way, if you wanna browse a little regarding all kinds of recruiting apps, this might help.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Minimum Wage for Interns?!

Translated from Ralf Junge's blog entry: "Mindestlohn für Praktikanten!?"

"Shaping Germany's Future“ – that is the title of the coalition contract, which has been signed last week. The contract also regulates the nationwide minimum wage. It says: "Good work has to pay off and secure existence. On the other side, productivity and wage level has to correspond accordingly, so employment subjected to social insurance contribution remains."

Quelle: dpa
In the previously published draft it still said, a minimim wage won't apply to interns. In the final contract, however, this sentence has been scratched out as wished by the social democratic party SPD. 

What does it mean now? Is a minimum wage for interns coming up? This would mean interns are going to receive a wage of approximately €1,400 a month when working 40h/week. 

Yesterday, at the Day of Interns, I talked about this subject with representatives of different companies, interns and the Project Manager of the Initiative Fair Company.A great part agreed with the introduction of the minimum wage, are afraid, nevertheless, offers of open interships to be drastically reduced. Interships would be more expensive, automatically costs of recruiting would considerably increase.

Attention! There is already a loophole: The minimum wage only applies to young people with vocational graduation. Interns, who ought to complete an internship in line with their eductaion (while enrolled at college/university) are considered to be in a training relationship not in an employment, a work relationship. So no minimum wage for those interns. 

Does this mean we are going to have interns of first and second class? Will there only the best to receive an internship? Does this create a new wave of youth unemployment? Is it possible for interns to be forced to work/perform even more due to the receiving of such high wage, eclipsing the actual learning? 

Many questions came up which we couldn't resolve all while the discussion, either. Actually even more questions came up. At the moment we just can assume and have our own interpretation of the coalition contract. Precise details of this will be announced with the concrete legislative procedure.

Ralf Junge