Tuesday, January 28, 2014

HR and Social Media - success by targeting aims properly

From Ralf Junge's blog entry: Erfolgskontrolle von Social-Media-Aktivitäten

By now there is a lot of information about how Social Media Channels can be integrated in Personnel Communication. But the control of success appears to be a challenge for companies still. WHen does Employer Branding via Social Media pays off? With a study KTH Royal Institute of Technology got into the matter of this question just last year. Multiple referents for personnel communication were asked how they measure the success of their activities, what digits matter. What digits show if employer branding via social networks are reaching the pinned goals successfully.

In line of the study the goals of use of Social Media were analyzed. As primary goal Recruitment was identified. Secondary goals are the perception as employer, the attraction of matching candidated, and the development into an 'employer of choice'.

On the basis of these goals exact classification figures can be drawn and defined for the measurement of success. The number of entered application due to Social Media Communication is a significant indicator for fruitful recruiting activities. But not only the quantity of applications, the interaction with the target group show if and how the company is perceived as employer. In its quality again, it shows, if relevant candidates were addressed - got the right target group. The reputation of a company demonstrates (if) Social Media presence influenced the decision of a candidate to chose pro company as employer of choice. Too often though, it is difficult to draw the success of Employer Branding back to Social Media measurements alone. Hence it is advised to include the feedback of candidates when doing the success control.  

What does the control of success at your company look like? 


Resources:  Reischauer, Tessa ( 2013): Employer Branding in Social Media – An empirical study on how social media contributes to achieving employer branding aims, KTH Royal Institue of Technology (unveröffentlicht).

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