Don't you feel surrounded by weird or bad Recruiting Communication sometimes too often, also? If you do, it is time to deploy public shame! A few entries have reached us already. Yet, we want more!
Be there when the first Goldene Runkelrübe (Golden Mangel Award) for the best worst Personnel Marketing Mean is given. (This award will be awarded wether liked or not - the Golden Raspberry of HR ;)

Everybody is allowed to participate and submit! Let it be Company Representatives, Service Provider, Applicants, whatever. Your vote counts. Anonymously of course!
Submit your entry of personal personnel abomination of external HR Communication till 15th November 2013. Following categories are awarded:
- The discouraging job-ad
- The worst or most embarassing career vdeo
- The most unattractive Career Website
- The most failed Social Media-Presence
The award show will take place 4th December (ca. 11 P.M.) in Berlin. Stay tuned. It is going to be a blast!
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