The shortage for skilled talents is sharpening up. It definitely is not enough to just publish a job-ad online or offline nor presenting yourself at job fairs or to brace oneself with certificates, waiting for the right applicants to to come. It is not going to happen! Other companies with more innovative strategies will be much faster.
One of the most famous example in Germany is probably the case of "Pizza Digitale" by Scholz & Friends Hamburg. With a QR-Code on Pizzas (Yes, on real edible Pizzas) Digital Talents were searched for. With each order of Pizza by an agency the customer had one Pizza Digitale delivered additionally.
More and more companies have their recruiting values within the networks of their employees. With incentives of high bonuses employees are helt motivated to support the Recruiting in search of skilled talents in shape of employees' friends, associates and family members. In the June edition of brandeins Magazine, which I mentioned in my last post also, it read the company Eventbrite costs its recruiting employees incentives up to $2.500. The firms keep counterbidding themeselves in the so called war for talent.
But money is not everything. Recruiting also is about catching eyes. Here we can learn a lot from the advitising sector which spice up their activities in Recruiting and Personnel Marketing with all kinds of creative ideas. By now, even here, in the pretty and colorful world of Ad and Media the war for talented minds. Here Agencies focus on much attention of their target group as well as the Surprise-Effect. With means such as the "Guerilla-Recruiting".
One of the most famous example in Germany is probably the case of "Pizza Digitale" by Scholz & Friends Hamburg. With a QR-Code on Pizzas (Yes, on real edible Pizzas) Digital Talents were searched for. With each order of Pizza by an agency the customer had one Pizza Digitale delivered additionally.
With another creative idea - the trojan portfolio - the Agency Jung von Matt was looking for the best Art Directors. Multiple Photographers were sent off to other ad-agencies to (under cover) apply with their portfolio. On one of the work sample the job-ad was (hidden) displayed.
Besides such Recruiting activities, firms use plenty means to style up their job-place. Yes, job- Place. Massages, kicker-tables, sport activities or snack and coffee machines - all actions are about attracting new and retaining employees. (Kind of) Giving them the feeling to be proud to work at their company.
The conventional means will not work for much long though. Now, creative and innovative ways are demanded. The young academics want to be wooed for and convinced about haven chosen the best employer. I'm excited to see the what ways and means for more attention companies chose in future.
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