Friday, August 16, 2013

What does the job as Employer Branding Ambassador look like, Mrs Krämer (SMS Meer)?

Translated from Jannis Tsalikis's blog entry: Wie ist das Arbeitsleben als Arbeitgebermarken-Botschafterin, Frau Krämer (SMS Meer)?

Experts reccomend winning employees to be a representant or ambassador for an employer brand. Reasonable, since employees display an authentic and a somwhat of a live image of the company when being employed there.

At many companies there are still objections and many questions to be answered. I.e., when employees get in contact with applicants, what is being said about the company? Or how can things be redacted or steered then?

The SMS Group does not worry about it at all. The opposite. New is the grant offer and choice of  so called "Karrierebotschaftern" (Career Ambassadors) (also check Stefan Brindt / BPM Blog).

Jannis had the chance to check with Sarah Krämer, talking about her experience as Career Ambassador:

Dear Mrs. Krämer, how did you become an ambassador of and at SMS Group?  

The colleagues responsible for this project asked me. Up front there was an intern selection process where I was suggested. Then all colleagues from different firms and divisions who were asked, also, were invited to a first "GetTogether". There the campain was introduced and our future role and tasks to be were explained to us. Pretty quick after that I decided to be a part of the campaign.

Did co-workers asked you regarding your "new" profile? What's been the feedback? 

Yes, definitely! In the developing phase whith film and photo shoots I was asks frequently for what all this was good for and if there is something new in the making. The feedback was through out positive. My colleagues find this path to be the right and support us as Career Ambassador.

On the site you are automatically invoted to contact you on XING. Does being contacted there happen often? How much work time do you spend on answering applicant requests? 
As of now it is still manageable. The campaign runs on the medial wave which is noticed in the amount of contacts via XING and Mail. Especially when we consult students personally at fairs the contact flow gets stronger. 

Could you tell what is asked usually? And do you answer all questions yourself? 

Most questions are about regular things, such as the hiring procedure or the particular jobs [offered]. Thanks to back-up from the HR division we, Career Ambassadors, can answer the questions ourselves well. Some, however, has to be forwarded to the HR division.

What about spam-request? Is there any? 

No, there has not been any yet.

In a short note: How is it to be ambassador of the SMS Group? 

I am proud to be chosen, and it is nice to give young alumnis something to take with from it.

Mrs. Krämer, thank you for the interview! 

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