Friday, August 9, 2013

EMBARASSING: 300,000 employees not enough - Vacation and Sick Leave totally overrated

From Jannis Tsalikis's blog entry: Ich finde es peinlich und Herr Frank Sennhenn (Vorstandschef DB Netz) findet das irgendwie auch! Fakt ist: 300.000 Mitarbeiter sind einfach zu wenig!

Ladies and Gentlemen, what a ham. Kind of a surprise ham with extra madness on top.
The Deutsche Bahn, biggest company of Germany when it comes to transportation system throughout Germany and a company of 300,000 employees and counting, was totally surprised by, guess what, employees taking vacation days off. Or, awfully rude and inacceptable for calculations obviously, also get sick AND stay at home then. Now the Bahn came to the astonishing conclusion: Without employees, no operation.

Result: Hardly any long-distance train stopping at Mainz since Friday! 

Many Online-News titled - not without the necessary malice (lol) - i.e. the Fokus: "Der Bahn fehlt Personal – Noch weit entfernt vom Top-Arbeitgeber" (Bahn missing personnel - far away from top-employer still). Rightfully, if you ask me. How dare the Bahn to act like some mom-and-pop store? And I'm sorry, Mr. Sennhenn (Chairman of DB Netz), but your whiny apology, erm excuse: "Ja, es ist mir peinlich. Ich möchte mich ausdrücklich bei den Fahrgästen entschuldigen" (Yes, it is embarassing to me. I would like to apologize to all passengers), is ridiculous too.  Have you ever heard something about contractual staff?! What a pitty image this all causes for the Deutsche Bahn. Again.

(For German speakers here the report at SWR)
With such way of acting the laborly built image (pun intended) is torn down in a heart-beat. The million-heavy campaign "Kein Job wie jeder andere" (no job is like the other) was well done...for the trash bin. 300,000 employees are obviously not enough. Mainz needs at least 10 more station inspectors, doesn't it?

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