As if it cannot be even worse with the Employer Image misere of Walmart, it gets even worse.
You may have seen it in the news already if not
online, the
grand food drive.
Walmart workers have set out storage containers for canned goods etc to be collected for COWORKERS and their families in need,not being able to provide for a holiday dinner. Now as this isn't a big pill to swallow already - it was a Walmart-union in Ohio that organized this collecting to take place. Let's get back to the problem though. There wouldn't be the need for all of this, IF Walmart cared for its workers enough to be out of need due to proper payment instead of ridiculously small paychecks for their associates.
It has been aired a googillion times how bad it is for Walmart employees. By on an average less the
25K p.a. even paying for the regular things such as the utility bill every month turns into an eat or be in the dark question. Sending their kids to college their like? Dream on, sugar!
Now though, whatcha know about this?:

(Mahalo to
The Other 98% for this image)
Considering that the CEO of Costco is having a smaller salary than most executives and Costco had a total compensation package of about 4.8 million Dollars 2012, the salary of WalMart's CEO eyeballing $19+ MILLION p.a. in 2012 not only makes me wonder for how long WalMart employees are allowing their employer to continue to be that ugly of an employer. Yes Costco itself is smaller compared to the WalMart chain, but that doesn't mean it's lost its values and dignity as caring employer.
According to this
article by Megan McArdle, WalMart won't ever be like CostCo as they would not dare to give up on costumers nor wide low-priced product range in order to increase payment for their employees. However, the short
twitter feud between Ashton Kutcher and WalMart sure is worth watching, too.
That doesn't keep me from asking myself, when do even giants like WalMart understand that there are people with (family) lives working for paying to live by keeping the company running, and not for the next increase of the CEO's salary?! I find it disgusting to look at how modern economic slavery partially replaced the loyal an trust-filled bond between employer and employee which originally included a fiduciary- not a exploitation duty.
Considering a study showed that even the US government creates
more low-waged jobs than WalMart shows where the priorities of the oh so highly praised world reigning US economy are.
What a shame. It is time to change and act right!